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Memorial for John and Mary House

John House was born at Drayton in Somersetshire in January 1807 and died in Sydney NSW on 12 December 1888. Mary Hooper was also born at Drayton, in about 1808 and died in Harbour Street off Hay Street in Sydney on 2 April 1875. They were married at Drayton in about 1829. They are buried in the Old Balmain Cemetery which was, unfortunately, completely demolished in 1942 despite the fact that it included the graves of famous Australians such as Edmund Blacket (architect), Mary Reiby (businesswoman) and Robert Towns (founder of Townsville). It is now Pioneers Memorial Park in Norton Street Leichhardt. The only thing left to memorialise those buried beneath are the gates and associated mini-wall that was built from re-used gravestones. This just goes to show that the disrespect of our heritage by many members of society is nothing new, having flourished even during World War Two.

The Pioneers Memorial Park plaque is dedicated to the pioneers of Balmain who are still buried beneath, including John House and his wife Mary House

 Destruction of the heritage cemetery was sanctioned by the Council in 1941

The old headstones were useful for something - cheap building material for the walls and gate